About us
We provide a comprehensive range of services including the development of software and web and mobile applications; software implementation, integration, and support; and consulting to government and commercial companies around the world.
Our team includes people with 20+ years of experience in IT and a portfolio of completed projects in the field of Smart City, Education, Big Data, web portals.
How can we collaborate?

The software development process is based on your technical or business requirements:
- You set us the task.
- Our team carries out the entire software development process, providing work results for each reporting period.
- Project specifications and budget are fixed in the contract.
- We are responsible for the organization of the project team and the results under the contract.
& Material
Time & Material
We provide you with the necessary specialists at the hourly or monthly rate, you set tasks for them, coordinate the project team and are responsible for the results of the work.
That is, you pay us only for hiring specialists for the time that they work on your project.
Transparent development process
Each project is divided into stages when developing and verification of results (Sprints in Scrum). The duration of the sprint is from 1 to 4 weeks, during which the team works on the project: creates a design, writes code, performs product testing, etc.

At the end of the stage, we hold a “demo day,” demonstrating the results of the work and answering customer and user questions. Together, we then determine the priority tasks to be performed in the next Sprint.

Join our team
Our team is developing and growing, so we are always interested in hiring brilliant professionals in their field.
If you are a talented and passionate programmer, designer, data scientist, or analyst, you can complete and submit the form below, enclosing your resume or a link to your profile on social networks.
The doors of Far Rainbow are always open to people who share our commitment to improving the software development process, professional development and the desire to improve the world through our joint work.
Join our team, grow professionally, realize your potential, create your project with us!