We provide an sms-messaging service for our clients under Stertell brand name. Get the benefits from instantaneous distribution.
Deliver your messages directly into the eager hands of users. Subscribers keep tabs on their SMS inboxes more often than any other message center, often in a matter of seconds after their handsets vibrate.
For the companies, we offer Promotional SMS, Transactional SMS, Over-the-top (OTT) messaging apps, Person-to-Person (P2P) messaging and P2A – text messages from User to Application.
Almost everyone in the world has a mobile phone, making SMS the most potent communication channel by far. Stertell gives you a truly global reach. SMS is the most powerful, straightforward and rapidly scalable tool for your business, regardless of whether you’re a multinational brand or a local start-up.
For the operators, cooperation with Stertell as a single hub for all types of SMS traffic means passing traffic along transparent routes, dividing by traffic types, increasing traffic and income of the Operator. You’ll get the following capabilities: Traffic monetization, Transparent delivery process and Guaranteed profit for operators.